Hurricane Assistance Plan

2024 Plans Are Now Available.

Limited availability.

Hurricane Season is June 1st through November 30th.

We offer Hurricane Assistance Plans for motor vessels 20’ to 120’ in Southeast Florida.

Sign up and we guarantee our team will be there in the event of a named storm to prepare your vessel. Additionally, we will visit the boat to ensure it has adequate lines and fenders onboard and give you our recommendations. We'll follow our standard protocol in addition to any input you provide:

  • All available fenders and dock lines will be used to secure the vessels to the docks/floating docks.

  • All removable canvas, cushions, and loose deck equipment will be removed and stored indoors.

  • All hatches and seams will be taped.

  • All lines will be affixed to locations as follows: 2 on Bow, 2 on Stern, 4 Spring Lines. Vessel length determines line thickness as follows:

    • Under 60’ = Doubled 1⁄2” Lines;

    • 60’ – 100’ = Doubled 3⁄4” Lines

    • 100’+ = Doubled 1” Lines

  • Deploy anchors if deemed necessary

  • Photo documentation of preparations.

  • Resetting the boat to ‘normal’ after a storm is included. For example, remove hurricane tape and return things where they were.

  • Pre-season equipment inspection will be performed.

If there is no named storm in 2024, there will be no further charges from us. If there is a named storm, we charge $25/foot, plus supplies, to send our team and do the preparations. We provide photo documentation and a report for you upon completion of the prep.

Contact us today to receive a quote, tailored to your vessel.